Update from Administrator – January 15, 2021

Update from Administrator – January 15, 2021

January 15, 2021

Dear Families,

As always, we hope this letter finds you safe and healthy as we begin the New Year!

The COVID-19 vaccination was administered at our center to staff and residents on 12/29/2020. The second dose of the vaccine is scheduled to be administered on 01/19/2021 to residents and staff. This date is also available to those individuals who did not receive their initial dose. The vaccine was delivered and administered by pharmacists from CVS. The same set-up and procedures will take place during the second round.

We encourage as many residents as possible to get this vaccine. As we have learned, the elderly and those with significant health concerns have a much higher risk for getting very sick, being hospitalized, or succumbing from COVID-19. The vaccine has been shown to provide a great deal of protection against serious illness due to COVID-19. The more residents that get vaccinated, the better we can protect our community against potential outbreaks and save lives.

This vaccine has gone through testing and clinical trials to ensure it meets the highest safety standards. It also is safe to get if you already had the virus. The health and safety of our residents is always our top priority, and we are confident this vaccine is a much better option than the risk of getting this virus. If you have any questions, please contact Jayson Lacanilao (ICN@summitatplantsville.com) or call him at 860-628-0364 Ext. 237) with any questions.

We will continue to take all necessary precautions after the vaccine is administered, including wearing personal protective equipment and conducting regular testing, to ensure the safety of our residents and staff. We will also continue to follow the guidance and recommendations of our public health officials to determine how and when to adjust our policies for visitations and social activities and keep you updated.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are hopeful that the vaccine will be a lifesaving turning point in the fight against COVID-19. We look forward to getting back to a “new normal,” with families and friends again visiting our center on a regular basis. Entertainers coming back into the center to further enrich the lives of our residents.

You may also visit several websites listed below to learn more about the vaccine.


Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!

Carol Mortensen

January 15, 2021 A Healthier Approach To Caring